Board of Supervisors Appointments for Year 2025
A.D.A Coordinator: Brian Sorensen
Bloodborne Pathogens Coordinator: Nicole Jimmerson
Chariton Valley Transportation Planning Affiliation Policy Board: Dean Robins, Supervisor; Brian Sorensen, Transit. Alternate: Randy Dunbar
Chariton Valley Transportation Planning Affiliation Technical Advisory Committee: Corey Eckels
Civil Service Commission (Six-year term) | Term Expires |
William Carper | 12-5-2025 |
William Eddy | 12-5-2027 |
Dennis Jeter | 12-5-2024 |
Clarke County Conservation Board (Five-year term) | Term Expires |
Marla Shifflett | 12-31-2025 |
Sharon Dunfee | 12-31-2026 |
Frank Riley | 12-31-2027 |
Larry Keller | 12-31-2028 |
Shelley Thomas | 12-31-2030 |
Conservation Board Ex Officio: Randy Dunbar
Clarke County Zoning Administrator: Robert McCaulley
Clarke County Planning & Zoning Commission (Three-year term) | Term Expires |
Staci Heaberlin | 9-4-2024 |
Jerod Flaherty | 9-4-2026 |
Jason Boyer | 9-4-2024 |
Randy Barnard | 9-4-2025 |
Trevor Moore | 9-4-2024 |
Paul Graves | 9-4-2025 |
Ed White | 9-4-2026 |
Clarke County Representative to Iowa Community Assurance Pool: Johanna Olson (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Clarke County Compensation Commission:
City/Town Property Owners | Location |
Dennis Doran | Osceola |
Leslie Keller | Osceola |
Marvin McCann | Osceola |
Dale Neas | Osceola |
Colter Wright | Osceola |
Randy Wright | Woodburn |
Owner/Operator of Agricultural Property | Location |
Linda Bachman | Osceola |
Randy Brown | Osceola |
Terry Cummings | Woodburn |
George Dutrey | Woodburn |
Jarod Flaherty | Osceola |
Brian Fuller | Osceola |
Larry Keller | Osceola |
Greg Kent | Osceola |
Harley Pippin | Woodburn |
Real Estate Salespersons/Brokers | Location |
Ed Buesch | Osceola |
Betty Craig | Osceola |
Cassie Hessler | Osceola |
Paula McClaflin | Osceola |
Judy Moore | Osceola |
Bret Smith | Murray |
Janice VanWinkle | Woodburn |
Others With Knowledge of Property Values | Location |
Deleth Halvorsen | Osceola |
Vicky Halvorsen | Osceola |
Rick Oshel | Osceola |
Teresa Woods | Osceola |
Clarke County Board of Health (Three-year term) | Term Expires |
Lorie Marker, ARNP | 12-31-2027 |
Randy Dunbar | 12-31-2027 |
Teresa Jackson | 12-31-2025 |
Sonja Hicks | 12-31-2026 |
Tom Bahls | 12-31-2026 |
Brian Crawford | 12-31-2025 |
Paula McClaflin | 12-31-2025 |
Clarke County Reservoir Commission: Brian Sorensen (Alternate: Dean Robins)
Clarke County Social Welfare Board | Position | Term Expires |
Larry Keller (Rep) | Chairman | 12-31-2020 |
Marvin McCann (Dem) | Vice Chairman | 12-31-2020 |
Clarke County Board of Adjustment (Five-year term) | Term Expires |
Mary Pett | 8-10-2020 |
Matthew Oberembt | 8-1-2021 |
Judy Moore | 8-1-2022 |
Dave Tokheim | 8-1-2018 |
Don Reasoner | 8-1-2024 |
Crossroads Mental Health Board: Dean Robins (Alternate: Brian Sorensen)
DHS Advisory Board: Austin Taylor (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Disaster Coordinator: Dean Robins
Disaster Representative: Corey Eckels
E-911 Regional Service Board: Byron Jimmerson and Brian Akers
Emergency Management Commission: Dean Robins (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Emergency Medical Services Council: One representative from each office of Clarke County Sheriff, Osceola Fire Department, Murray Fire Department, Woodburn Fire Department, Osceola Police Department, and Clarke County Ambulance Service
Fair Housing Coordinator: Brian Sorensen
Iowa Regional Workforce Investment Board: Dean Robins (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission (Six-year term) | Term Expires |
Kathy Kooiker | 12-31-2026 |
Marvin McCann | 12-31-2026 |
Jim Sullivan | 12-31-2026 |
5th Judicial District Department of Correctional Services: Brian Sorensen (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Juvenile Residential Care Board: Larry Keller
Landfill Commission: Dean Robins (Alternate: Brian Sorensen)
Leon/Decat Governance Board: Brian Sorensen (Alternate: Dean Robins)
Medical Examiner: George Fotiadis, M.D. & Marty Duffus, Deputy Medical Examiner, Lori Marker and Olivia Paige Peckham
Murray Economic Development Board: Dean Robins
Official Newspaper: Osceola Sentinel-Tribune
R C & D Board: Norman Lust, Dixie Rinner & Larry Keller (Alternate: Marvin McCann)
R E A P Committee Representatives (Not currently active) | Position |
Not currently active | Chairman |
Not currently active | Vice Chairman |
Not currently active | City of Osceola |
Not currently active | City of Murray |
Not currently active | City of Woodburn |
Not currently active | City Park & Recreation |
Not currently active | Clarke County Soil & Water Conservation |
Not currently active | Clarke County Historical Society |
Not currently active | Clarke County Conservation Board |
Not currently active | Conservation Educational Council |
Not currently active | Farm Bureau |
Not currently active | Farmers Union |
Not currently active | Iowa Sportsman Federation |
Not currently active | Murray School Board |
Not currently active | National Wild Turkey Federation |
Not currently active | N. F. O |
Not currently active | Nature Conservancy |
Not currently active | Pheasants Forever |
Not currently active | Soil Conservation Board |
Laurence Larry Keller | Supervisors of Clarke County |
S C I C A P, Inc. Representatives: Brian Sorensen (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
S I C O G Executive Board: Randy Dunbar
S I R W A Board: Ann Welker
S.E. Iowa Hazmat Board: Randy Dunbar (Alternate: Dean Robins)
Safety Loss Control Coordinator: Scott Kent
Southern Iowa Development and Conservation Authority Board: Dean Robins
Southern Iowa Regional Housing Authority (SIRHA) Commissioner | Term Expires |
Paula McClaflin | 4-9-2025 |
Southern Iowa Tourism Board: Karon Keefe
Southern Iowa Trolley: Brian Sorensen (Alternate: Randy Dunbar)
Veteran’s Affairs Commission | Term Expires |
Randy Brown | 5-31-2026 |
Craig Mateer | 5-31-2025 |
Selena Humphrey | 5-31-2026 |
Robert Mayhew | 5-31-2027 |
Julie Boswell | 5-31-2025 |
Whitebreast Watershed Board: J.B. Hamilton
Workmens’ Compensation Designated Medical Provider for Clarke County: Unity Point Family Medicine, Osceola