I, Janice M. White, Commissioner of Elections, in and for Clarke County, Iowa, do hereby proclaim and give notice that the Primary Election will be held on the 4th day of June 2024. The polls will be open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m.
Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. For further information, please contact the County Auditor’s office at: 641-342-3315, or email address:
Absentee voting may be done at the Auditor’s Office in the Courthouse during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) thru June 3rd. Extended in person voting hours will be Saturday, June 1st from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Requests for mailed absentee ballots must be made by Monday, May 20, 2024. Absentee ballots must be received in the Auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 (Election Day) to be considered on time to be counted.
The pre-registration deadline for this election is Monday, May 20, 2024. After this date, eligible voters may register and vote on Election Day at their polling place or by Absentee ballot in the Auditor’s Office with an approved form of identity and residence.
Public testing of voting equipment will be held on Friday, May 24th at 10:00 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room at the Courthouse.
Pre-registered voters are required to provide an approved form of identification at the polling place before receiving and casting a regular ballot. Voters who are not pre-registered – such as voters registering to vote on Election Day – and voters changing precincts must also provide proof of residence. A voter who is unable to provide an approved form of identification (or prove residence if required) 1) may have the voter’s identity/residence attested to by another registered voter in the precinct, 2) prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents, or 3) cast a provisional ballot and provide proof of identity/residence at the County Auditor’s office by noon Monday, June 10, 2024. Election Day Registrant attesters must provide an approved form of identification. For additional information about providing proof of identity and/ or residence visit: or phone (641) 342-3315.
I, Janice M. White, hereby certify that the following is a list of offices and candidates on which the voters will cast their votes at the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
Certified by: Janice M. White
Clarke County Auditor &
Commissioner of Elections